Jim Ames #65

I was introdued to snowmobiling by a good friend (Darwin Ashelman) in the 6-7th grade. Later Kim Ropelato showed me the "ropes" in backcountry mountain riding. I credit Kim to activating my "addtiction" and the life long love of the sport and adventure. I rode 14,000 miles in the winter of 83-84 guiding groups of people from all over the world on 5 day trips in and around Yellowstone National Park. This cemented my desire to travel the westen US and Canada to see and ride all of the reported "hotspots" of the best snomobiling. I enjoy the physical activity but also the freedom of being in the mountains and observing nature in its miracules winter form. I love to take my wife Holli or other family members and friends to share this amazing experience whenever possible.

Perry, UT
  • Skidoo Modified TJRA 850
  • Skidoo Stock/Improved HCRN 850

Friends and Family Teton Performance/Bob Tomb and Crew Karl Malone ADS/Brayden Hunsaker and the Service Pros
