Cort Spencer #8

My name is Cort Spencer I live in Grace Idaho. I’m RMSHA Racer #8 in the Rocky Mountain States HillClimb Asosiation. I would say that I am adventurous, curious, and outgoing. I like to go out and do all sorts of sports like football, snowmachining, and playing golf with family and friends. I enjoy trying new things, like camping, and discovering new ways to compete in sports. I’m on track to graduate 2026 with 64 people. - I plan to race until the age of 18 - I plan on going on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints which will last for two years. - In or my first year racing I attended every RMSHA race and even a 307 Hill Cross Race. - I podiumed twice in the Junior Junior Class placing third both times. - I am Racing Junior class with an older age group. - I am also racing Amateur Stock, Ameature Improved, Amateur Mod against all - ages of people looking to go Semi-Pro. - My goals are that I hope to improve on becoming a more well-rounded racer. I would like to win first overall in Juniors and to go up over top of the hill at Afton, Wyoming. - I want to influence kids so they can pursue their own dreams of racing just as I have - I want to be a successful icon for racing and be well known as a loving, kind, joyful influence to those that need it - I’d love to be like Polaris Pro Keith Bailey. He always keeps his family a priority and stays positive to himself and others through the worst of times. Even if he came down the hill with a broken sled, he’d still have a smile on his face. - When I am not working, I go boating with my family to spend quality time with them since I know it’s something the whole family can take part of and enjoy together.

Grace, Idaho
  • Polaris Matrix Khaos 9R
  • Polaris Matrix Pro RMK 850
  • Polaris Axys Pro RMK 600

Cody Spencer, LuCus Spencer, Jace Spencer, Case Spencer, Cash Spencer, Roper Spencer